Richard and I met in the summer of 1997, and what he doesn't know is that 14 years later, sometimes I still look at him when he doesn't know it, and I really, really like what I see.
He's an athletic type, and I'm jealous of his legs.
I won't dare embarrass him by telling you all just how awfully old he is, but please, do not feel sorry for him. The man will forever look like he is in his 20's - he's got such a youthful glow about him.
I'm a quirky type, and I went to a psychic once, about 4 years ago. I hadn't asked her anything about my husband. I wanted to know if I would get pregnant. She exclaimed, "Your husband is still a child!" I laughed and said, "I know!" And then, being the psychic that she is, she said, "I know you know!"
What she meant by that was, my husband is still child-like. He chases new adventures, never stops learning, and loves to have FUN, FUN, FUN.
Of course, we are opposites in many ways, and I like my quiet time a little bit more, so he teaches me a lot. He is the ying to my yang. He keeps things positive and fresh for me when I would rather withdraw into myself.
My poor, dear husband is still waiting for a raging, kegger party on his birthday that has been put on hold since the birth of our son. (Yes, the psychic predicted it.) Although there will be no chilling keg in the backyard, there will be us. Our little family. And my husband's favorite home-made pizza. And ice cream cake (shhh, it's a surprise).
I love you, hunny.
Aw, how sweet! Happy birthday to your hubby and congrats to both of you for creating such a warm, loving family. x
Awww... That's so nice!
Awwww - how sweet. I didn't say shit about my husband on his birthday. Does that make me a bad wife?
That is such a beautiful, loving post. Perfect in a way. Happy Birthday to your hubs.
Happy birthday to your husband. I hope one day he gets the kegger party that he is waiting for.
Happy birthday to your beloved husband. Happy family.
What a lovely post! Happy birthday to your hubby! It is so cute to see how in love you are with your husband. Beautiful! Have a great day!
Mama Hen
The ying to your yang - I like that. Happy Birthday to your hubs.
Surely nothing can beat home-made pizza and an ice cream cake! Happy birthday to your husband!
Very sweet... I love that you're all gushy over him still. Just the way it should be. Happy day to the Hubs!
This is so, so sweet!!! Happy birthday to your favorite guy! Have a good night and have a slice for me :)
Oh, that is so precious. I love it when couples are so made for each other. Wish him a happy birthday from me.
Happy Birthday to your husband! And I am totally jealous of my husband't legs, too. How annoying, right? ;)
Very sweet. :)
Happy birthday to your man.
"I know you know" made me laugh, Kristy. x
Happy Birthday to hubs! And I'd love a raging kegger just as well. But I guess I'm still a child too. :)
That is so sweet! I think it's great that you balance each other out like that.
---sooooo sweet :)
happy birthday to your hunny.
Happy Birthday to him! I hope he keeps your marriage young forever!
SO cute! Happy Birthday to your husband.
An older lady who had been married for over 40 years once told me that "If you just assume that your husband will never mature past the age of 15 you will be much better off. Men are just large kids." I think she is right on the money with that one. And it's so much fun!
That is so sweet!
My husband is also a kid. Actually, he thinks it's still 1992. Don't try and tell him any different.
So so sweet and special. You lucky woman. I, too, am married to a man who still looks like he's in his twenties though he's well into his thirties.
Hope your guy had a great birthday, surprise ice cream cake and all!
Happy birthday to your husband!
Mine is still waiting for the kegger, too. Instead, he got to go out of town to a football game this weekend... where he will probably drink the equivalent of a keg anyway.
I adore this post. Really.
It's so lovely to see enduring relationships.
My husband and I met 17 years ago. 17.
This seems hardly possible (since we're still so young. cough.)
But despite our eternal youth, he is my best friend. Always. And I believe I'm his, too.
Even though I've yet to throw him a kegger...
poor guy.
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