Write on Edge challenged us to write about a "season of change":
I loved sitting outside in the dark all alone, smoking a cigarette. “Healthy” types probably don’t think this is very zen, but really, it was almost like meditating.
Everything was so still, and there were plenty of stars to stare at between the clouds. My cat was lit up in the window, staring out at me with contempt.
My husband had left out of town that morning, and I could come out here as often as I wanted without judgment.
The only problem was, I was smoking my last cigarette.
In the morning, I will go and buy some more, I thought.
I took a drag.
If it’s positive, I won’t go buy any, and that will be that.
The next morning, the first thing I did was pee on a stick. I didn’t buy any cigarettes.

ha! i love the picture!
i can soooo relate to that zen cigarette. oh how i miss them.
Good for you for quitting!
Whaaaaaaaaaaat? So are you? Are you??????
I remember my last cigarette. Ever since I had my oldest I cant touch them though. The smell of the smoke makes me gag. Weird huh? Good story!
I used to love smoking, too. I knew how bad it was, but it was so calming in a way.
But yay for not having to buy any more cigarettes :)
Loved reading that, the anticipation! I quit with all of mine too but it usually only took about two months for me to find them again. I'm still the girl that does the wine and occasional puffy treat. Some day maybe
Good job on quitting!
I'm glad you didn't buy anymore after peeing on the stick.
Oh, I remember my last one, too...
I quit too, but once in a while I still miss them. In the long run though, it's the best decision-so good for you!!
I remember my last one. I was waiting for my pregnancy test results. My 400 home tests were all ambiguous. I knew I was pregnant, was so scared. That cigarette tasted like shit.
I'm so excited for Monday!!!
Liked reading your post.. I can imagine the zen like feeling.. and how it is to quit!
Sometimes I miss those times sitting in the dark and enjoying. Absolutely peaceful. But ... times change, same as you I got pregnant and that was it. I'm glad you were able to quit too.
Joining the quitters club here. I know that zen too. Love the picture at the end.
Love it, so few words so much said. Happy weekend
Wonderful writing! Very tight, great economy of words. Considering your audience, I think you struck a note here that chimed for all of us. Well, some of us a WHILE ago, but still. I remember. :D
Trish in AZ
Good job on quitting!
BRILLIANTLY done! I adore how much you trust your reader- no wasted words here. Love this!
Oh how I wish I could do the minimalist words post! Well done on being able to give them up like that.
xx Jazzy
More than just a season of change here.
Spare and tight and honest.
All good things.
Hee! I love this. Also, I'm glad you had a reason to quit smoking. ;)
pee on a stick lol ... good for you. its never easy is it :-)
I remember my last one before I found out I was pregnant as well! If I had known it was my last I would not have smoked it so quickly.
I managed to make it until my son was 9 months old before I touched another one. Ugh. Wish I'd resisted.
Ha, that cat picture made me laugh out loud. Thanks for that. And, yay for not smoking anymore. :)
I"ve never been a smoker but you made the whole zen thing sound great. I'll stil with my wine, however.
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