“I’M IN MY PRE-PREGNANCY JEANS!!!!” I shrieked excitedly from the upstairs landing, thinking perhaps my announcement could be heard around the world.
I had no idea that at that moment, Parker was walking down the stairs. The manic, celebratory wail must have been a shock to his little system because the poor little guy fell on his butt and slid all the way down to the wood floor below and then laid there, stunned.
I was undeterred.
I pranced downstairs (hoping the top of my butt didn’t fall out of the top of the jeans at the same time) to flaunt my stuff.
My husband hadn’t even turned around at the sink while washing dishes.
Apparently, I was the only one heart-attack excited about this news.
Of course, I did stop for a moment to pick Parker up, twirl him around, and pat his head reassuringly.
Never mind that I literally, physically had to stuff the remaining top of my butt into the damn jeans, but they were zipped and buttoned and I could walk in them.
It was success.
It was the sweetest success I’ve had in years. I am high. Still.
(Update: I'm still rockin' the jeans!)
I'm not sure I rocked my prepregnancy jeans BEFORE I was pregnant!
Congrats on jeans and baby!
I've heard something similar from a few other recent mommies. Getting back into your old clothes is a milestone.
PS I just liked you on facebook via my fan page at Tina Lane.
I think only girlfriends can appreciate this sort of victory.
Though never pregnant I gained thirty pounds and every old pair of pants that I can zip and button merits a celebration.
It's definitely a girl thing-way to go!!
And you keep that hubby of yours washing dishes-it seems only fitting if he found them more exciting than you fitting back into your old jeans:) Men...
Every last one of us can relate to that joy! Woohoo!!!
Oh I remember that..it was such an awesome feeling of success!
I can fit in my pre-pregnancy jeans... but that's not much of an accomplishment since they're still bigger than the jeans I wore when I was 9 months pregnant with my first kid!
I haven't rocked a pair of jeans in 30 years. I'm jealous!
Yes I love it when that happens. It is a victory every time!
I thought I heard that shout earlier this year! Congratulations!
Awesome! Way to go! Keep rockin!
Wow, I am uber jealous. I need a glass of wine...
Well done. I love your Hubs is washing the dishes, can I borrow him once in a while? (just for the dishes, of course)
That does feel amazing doesn't it! Congrats on still rockin' them.
I'm cracking up at you stuffing the top of your butt in your pants. For me, it's that awful belly flap after a c-section that just makes jeans uncomfortable. GAH. Worth it though. Worth it.
I remember this. Soooo gleeful! It is a BIG deal. Congrats! I think I need to lose some weight and remember that incredible feeling again. :-)
Such a big deal. One that a husband will never, ever understand ;) I am dying. simply dying. over the image of you stuffing your butt in the top of your jeans. My children stole whatever booty I ever had, and I now have a flat, pancake butt :(
YAHOO!! That is always a great feeling. My baby is 15 months old and I'm still not in those stupid jeans. *sigh*
Congratulations! I threw out my pre-pregnancy jeans a while ago in a fit of desperation, but I think I might finally almost be back to that size. Best milestone of them all! (Oh, aside from all that walking and talking stuff, of course.)
Pregnancy or no, there's nothing like fitting into an article of clothing that was too tight months ago. ...I've got some pieces in my closet that I hope one day to wear again.
Someday. Maybe not the actual jeans, but the size? Oh, I do hope.
YAY! I was actually rockin' my jeans right before my stroke in April. But since then I've put on 10 pounds dang it. But soon I'll be back in them. Rockin' them. I hope.
((fingers crossed))
But YAY for you!!
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