We have had many adventures in our Thanksgiving travels, including:
"Mommy, it is time to look at the weird blue man."

This is from a look and find book. This page is "Genie in a Bottle" obviously. Parker was entranced. And weirded out. And he couldn't stop looking at it. This killed some time during our long drives.
My son actually channeled Robert DeNiro on our trip out! The famous, pained expression of ol' DeNiro is exactly what my son looked like in the back seat as he threw a royal fit about...I don't even remember what it was about, but he looked pretty funny. Like this guy:
We also had a fabulous time watching our child play, play, play with other people's kids. Parker even bravely tried to sleep in one of these said child's room one night, but the other boy had to come get me. He said, "Parker says there's a ghost light in the room." Alas, no break from sleeping with Parker during vacation for me, and into bed with me he went.
Speaking of ghosts, we were lucky enough to be plagued by a Phantom Poo Poo on our long drive home. About every 30 minutes, Parker said his stomach hurt and that he had to poo poo. Wanting to avoid an accident, we fell for this ploy about 3 different times and stopped so he could go to the bathroom. No poo poo. Every time. But, hey, we got to have lots of fun running around another convenience store.
While sitting at The Kid Table one night for dinner, I could hear the kids sharing their ages.
"I'm eight!"
"I'm six!" etc.
"How old are you, Parker?"
"I'm 21."
My boy is keen on doing ear splitting screeches at random. They don't last long, and I never know when it's going to happen, so I can't really prevent it, and it's one of those things I just ignore and let go of. It's one of those things that mothers learn to tune out a bit. Until the child is around other people. Then it seems very apparent. It is a sort of high pitched WoooooOOOOOp! Like an angry peacock. Or a howler monkey.
I looked over at one of the 25 people at our Thanksgiving get together and said, "He just likes to make sure everyone's awake," and I offered an apologetic smile.
He said deadpan, "Well, we are."
It reminded me of an Elizabethtown clip - the one where the hyper little boy is always screaming and periodically wakes the old man. This guy:

Which then inspires Orlando Bloom's character to play this TOTALLY AWESOME video for the hyper, loud boy.
(You must watch this.)
Some other pics from our trip:

I hate the threat of poop. You don't want to ignore it and be wrong and have a mess. But stopping when there's no need is annoying, too.
hahaha...phantom poo...priceless.
Pretty sure I will dream about that very creepy blue guy tonight!
I'm in the midst of potty training my toddler right now so I deal with phantom poo poo and other joys everyday. So much fun (not).
The phantom Poop - yep sounds familiar
I remember the days of phantom and not so phantom poop. Thank God those are done....at least until they start hitting me and the hubs. We getting up there in years!
Sometimes I have to deal with my own phantom poo on trips, and it's not fun. Poor guy. ;)
You can't take chances with poo! I would have loved to see the Robert DeNiro face, by the way. :)
It always cracks me up on how old kids think they are. :)
Sounds like an entertaining Thanksgiving, but... I think that genie is a bit scary!
Sounds like you had a great trip! :)
sounds like a fantastic trip with phantom poo poo and all. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who has a screecher. The high pitched squeals could awaken the dead!
--Great Trip...Except the Pooo Poooo. HA HA. x
"I'm 21". lol. He's such a hoot!
Ha ha that threat will get you everytime!
Love the high picthed monkey calls! Especially in public!
I hate phantom poop and random screams. My 2yo is guilty of both of those things! lol Parker cracks me up, btw. :)
Clever Parker....he sure knows how to get attention with phantom poo poos and random screams! My boy STILL makes random squeals! Sometimes it's sensory? I tell him 'inside voice' please;-)Not that it always works...but hey, I hate random squals when driving on a motorway!!
xx Jazzy
I love that he channeled Robert Deniro - so funny! sounds like an eventful time
What a fun trip. It sounds like Parker was the entertainment the whole time! I'm so sorry for your phantom poo excursions. We're so bad. Since Little Lewie isn't fully potty trained yet, we just threw on a diaper during the whole Thanksgiving trip. I know we won't have that convenience next year... Thanks for the laughs!
Nathaniel is in a screetching phase for some reason too. Thought we were done with that awhi,e ago lol
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