5 things we don’t know about you:
This is hard because I don’t hold back much and I’ve told ya’ll a whole darn lot. So, I will try to think of more.
1. The only way I can truly “re-charge” is by being alone.
2. I worry a lot about what others think of me, but I have managed this better as I get older and oh-so-wiser.
3. I wouldn’t say I “collect” angels, but I sure do have a lot of them around, and I like that.
4. I do not like Nicholas Sparks’ books, nor do I like any of the movie adaptations of his books.
5. Even though I consider myself to be intelligent, I can also be an air-headed ding-bat.
5 things you’re knowledgeable about:
1. Disney Pixar Cars
2. Liking kids
3. Reality TV
4. Relaxing
5. Lean storage manufacturing and aluminum gutter systems (a result of writing freelance articles)
5 things you know nothing about:
1. Car repair
2. Football. I know nothing about it. It is like a foreign language.
3. Correct table settings – I never remember
4. Grilling and mowing the lawn – I have never done either
5. The Stock Market
5 things you believe:
1. People take themselves way too seriously very often.
2. There is so much more to this world around us than we could ever imagine.
3. Love and God is all around us in many places and in many forms (and CERTAINLY not only found in a church).
4. All the people in your life exist to teach you things about yourself.
5. Creativity is more important than industriousness.

I have to be alone to recharge. I start to implode on the inside if I don't get enough of it.
So with you on reality tv, yes indeed.
Ditto your comment to me exactly - I love your "I believes!" The hardest part for me was figuring out what I'm knowledgeable about...I began to feel very unaccomplished, since I tend to know a little bit about a lot of subject, but I'm not an expert on much of anything!
I worry what people think sometimes too but you can only be yourself can't you! :-)
OMG are five thinks ARE almost the same! Especially the one about Nicholas Sparks books and the movie adaptations. My 14 year old loves his movies...gag!!
I too believe in laughing and drinking wine..yeah!
I've only read two of Nicholas Sparks' books; they were tear jerkers....I refuse to cry over books or movies. There's enough in real life to cry about! When I read or watch a movie, I want to either be on the edge in suspense or laughing my ass off!
I'm so glad you picked this one. I learned a bit more about you!
My 11 yr old asked to watch The Notebook or one of the others. Um, ok, if you wanna watch alone. I haven't read any of his books. I read the jacket and just...eh.
I have to be alone to recharge, too! I love my alone times, but they are few and far between.
I will never understand football, either!
I too have to be alone to recharge. Im actually alone at Starbucks right now, while hubby is with the kids, so I can recharge.
I'm so bad with anything car related. I blame it on my dad being a mechanic. Fun list.
Such fun!! I would never have guessed that you semi-collect angels! :) I probably should get a few for my house, so they can watch over me while I drink. Ha!
I feel like I'm never alone so the re-charge thing... I don't know. I'm working on it. As for football, I'm glad I'm not alone. My ex tried to explain it to me and he said "see, it's like war". Immediately I thought no wonder I don't like it!
Yes, I am indeed getting to know you very well through these posts!! Am with you on the grilling and mowing the lawan...I've done them once or twice but generally refuse to. That's hubby's jobs as far as I'm concerned ;-)
xx Jazzy
I don't a thing about the stock market either and yes, I take myself way too seriously sometimes. At least I catch it, then I have to laugh at the stupidity of it.
I have to agree from your blog that laughter and a good wine go hand and hand.
I was nodding my head in agreement to so many of these! But I do love The Notebook...the book and the movie. :)
That was definitely a fun read! :)))
I didn't mow a lawn or grill until I was 50, so you still have time! Life is one huge adventure! ILY, Mom
I love all your lists. I can so relate to much of them ... especially the ding bat one and recharging while alone!
Thanks for the visit earlier.
Love your lists! I also do not dig Nicholas Sparks. I read one of his books this summer and wanted to punch myself in the head when I finished. I've never seen The Notebook, even though people think it's SO great.
Isn't it funny what freelance article writing can teach you? I know way more about horse ulcers than I ever thought I would...
I like your things you know nothing about list. My advice--don't learn about any of these things...then people expect you to do it or like it or explain it.
I also need my alone time to recharge. And chocolate.
I most certainly agree that everyone you meet has some sort of purpose in your life--and you in theirs, as well! This, in fact, is what I love most about the blogging community.
I am right there with you on the topics you know nothing about.
Thoughtful post. We are so much not alike, lol.
Correct table settings ~ I agree with you there, I never remember either, just recently though, my daughter learned how to set a table in home economics at school and she ended up setting a beautiful Thanksgiving table for me!
What is a-l-o-n-e?
I am with you on number 1. As I get older I need my solitude.
Love your lists, thanks for sharing!!! I relate very much, especially to the list of things people don't know about you (except for number 4, I don't know who Nicholas Sparks is, should I be worried??).
I also worry too much about what others think of me, and I hate Nicholas Sparks! His books lull me to sleep. Sure beats counting sheep!
Those are interesting things about you :)
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