I'm getting ready for some fun, fun, fun, and linking up with Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop so that I may answer this delicious prompt:
If you HAD to marry a celebrity...who would make your top five list and why? (Let's just pretend you're not actually already married m'kay?)
Now, I don't really need to marry these guys. To clarify, I'd like to just...try them out and be done with them.

Brad Pitt - I'm a sucker for Brad Pitt. I know many girls have gotten over their lust for him a long time ago, but I still love to stare at that jawline. Plus, he is able to be funny (loved his character in Burn After Reading!). His rugged good looks, the twinkle in his eyes, and his constant youthful quality drive me nuts. I have been shaped into the woman I am today after seeing that HOT scene of him as the young cowboy in Thelma and Louise twenty years ago. Blush! I do go on and on. Next!

Bradley Cooper - I am a fan of the Hangover movies, and one of the reasons why is because I get to watch Bradley Cooper all hot and...dirty the whole time. He is oozing with charm in my book! And, besides, I'm a sucker for a guy who seems to have a bit of that bad boy edge.

Johnny Depp - He's intriguing to me more than anything. I like artsy, soulful types as well.

Benecio Del Toro - He's got that dark eye, smoldering look. And, I love his voice/accent. Mmm, mmm!

Matthew McConaughey - I'm thinking he's a lot of...fun.
Now I suppose Santa doesn't deliver men to my stocking?

How bout you? Who are your fantasy crushes?
I'm with you except for #4. He just doesn't do it for me.
Oh yes. Joseph Fiennes. Swoon.
I'd take the Brads and probably Mr. McConaughey as well. This has got me thinking that maybe I need to do this prompt too! Haha
disgusting - objectifying men in this way! I hope you are ashamed of yourself young lady :-)
I'll have Brad , Johnny , Antonio Banderas & a young Sean Connery (is that asking too much ?0
I'd take me some Bradley cooper. Yum. Keanu Reeves and Keifer Sutherland would definitely make my list. Tom Brady, too. Orlando Bloom may be on there, too.....it's hard to narrow it down to just 5, you know?
I'd hate to marry a celebrity. But trying them out doesn't seem a bad idea.
I like the younger (pre-Angelina) Brad.
I just want to know, are you will to share and be a sister wife b/c I really want to marry Johnny Depp.
I have permission to divorce my husband if George Clooney asked me to marry him.
For some reason that Bradley rubs me up the wrong way ... well, not in that way ...
And the rest, all swoonworthy indeed ...
love me some Keanu :)
Love this post. Jen...you are funny! I'd have to say Brad would be at the top of my list, then Antonio and then Benecio...loves those Latins! Ole! Mom
Mmm... I like Matthew... there is just something about him and the way he talks. Yum.
That's all.
Brad and Johnny are definitely at the top of my list. I love Andy Garcia also! He has always been a favorite of mine. Great post! :) Have a great night!
Mama Hen
Seriosly...you get me to read this at 12.30 am and I'm supposed to sleep after this?? I mean.... you posted photos of JOHNNY DEPP.....*swoons...feverishly*!!
I shall sleep happy tonight. Thank you!!
xx Jazzy
---Um, lets see, If I could pick one of your hot guys, it would have to be Brad Pitt. I would just sit and stare at him.
I also think Johnny Depp is smart & interesting.
great list.
I do love some Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp...I loved the Brad look in Ocean's 11...LOL and he was always eating ha ha!
Johnny Depp, absolutely. And I know this is weird, but a young John Malkovich looks like he knows a thing or two about women. :-)
Ha! I love that you say you just want to try them out, not marry them. I agree with that.
Brad is on my list ... and so is Paul Rudd, Robert Downey Jr and George Clooney. You did lose me at Benicio!
Used love Brad but he dropped about a million points after he slept with Angie while still married to Jen.
Ooooh! Great list! (And photos!) Have you seen Johnny Depp in Chocolat? Yummy! ;)
I love your last four men, especially Matthew..............sorry, momentary fantasy. But I stopped being attracted to Brad with all of his children. In my fantasy, the kids kept barging into the bedroom.
droool - you got them all right there! Though would have to put JD first!
Add Colin Firth...the ultimate Mr. Darcy!!
ha, that's how I feel about celebrity crushes. I wouldn't want them around all the time. Just love em and leave em would be nice.
There is no denying that Brad, Bradley, and Johnny and Matt are all hotties. I'm a huge fan of Cam Gigandet (James from the first Twilight), he just looks so tasty. And I wouldn't mind smooching with the guy that plays Damon Salvatore on Vampire Diaries (sensing a theme here?). Oh, and Jack from Lost. He was HOT!
Oh my, I love Brad Pitt! I also have a secret crush on George Clooney :)
Bradley Cooper... YUM!You know he's fluent in French right... so yummy.
Your list is my list. All hot men that I would love to "try out." LOL
Happy Holidays Love!
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