Now I know I may be known for swearing like a sailor, bumming cigarettes, and considering a bottle of wine to be one, large glass of wine, but I have another side to me. A very domesticated side that may surprise some.
I freakin' love coupons. I cut coupons. I print coupons. Every time I go to the grocery store, I have at least $10 in coupons (not including the savings from the store card).
I have a sewing machine and have recently taught myself to quilt. I knit and scrap book.
I absolutely love saving money by eating food from our gardens. It is sad that we are now on our last bit of tomatoes and squash. When the tomatoes get too ripe before we can eat them, I like to can them.
I love to make my own pesto - it's so easy! Before the first freeze, I harvest all of the basil and parsley and make a bunch of pesto to freeze for the winter. Alas, the first freeze snuck up on me this year and killed my basil! It is sad. So, I have harvested my parsley and rosemary and am drying them so I can jar them.
When it comes to food, I love finding ways to save money; however, every weekend when I'm shredding a block of cheese, I always think, "Why the hell don't I just buy the damned bag of shredded cheese for cryin' out loud?" But, I saved a dollar!
Those saved dollars add up, you know, so I can blow it all in one fell swoop at Target buying Hot Wheels, Halloween special DVDs, gallon buckets of Miracle Bubbles, and batteries.
Oh well. I try. I am part shop-a-holic, part thrifty saver. One part domestic goddess, and one part swearing rebel.
How about you? What sides of your personality are people not as aware that you have?
Some things are better left unsaid! lol
I'm pretty "let it all hang out" (metaphorically!) these days, so it's usually references to how I was in the past that startle people. :p
I do find myself trying to pinch pennies in some areas so I have more to spend on others. Hee.
Curious how you freeze your pesto. This is the first year we tried and I have about 6 batches in the freezer. The first one we used tasted a little salty.
You must let me know how to become a coupon queen...I'm trying to get better at this!
isn't it fun to have multiple personality dimensions that surprise people?
most people would never guess it to meet me, but i love to sew. i make all kinds of good stuff.
mmm, homemade pesto sounds fantastic! do you ever put it on your pizza instead of sauce?
Sadly, I flunk out on coupon savings. I'm trying to get better, but I keep finding all these dang coupons at the bottom of my purse that I meant to use before they expired :( You sound totally interesting to me...don't change a thing.
Hey can you pass on your recipe for pesto? We didn't get a hard freeze here yet and I have tons of basil and parsley!
Sounds like we are practically twins!
I think that's a similar combination to me too! :)
Unfortunately chocolate cán make you lóók pregnant!
It seems you are a multi-faceted as well as multi-tasking person! Good for you! I like to knit too but can't cook too many things from scratch I'm afraid. And I too can swear and drink wine!!
xx Jazzy
I'm totally with ya. I think some would be shocked that I know how to sew and quilt. It's like my dirty little secret.
I am totally with you --well, except for maybe the quilting thing. I DO have a sewing machine, but I am afraid of it -- it bites.
Hahaha! That is spectacular! I am very impressed. I spend way too much money eating out. Can't sew, quilt, or crochet. I hate coupons since my mom was one of those super couponers. They make me shudder from the memories - ha. And I can't cook. I'm pretty damn useless. Haha.
I bow to your greatness. :-)
Hmmm, I never did coupons and chances are I never will. Good tasty cheese however I'd never shred, it's for eating with a glass of wine. I don't have many of those domestic qualities, but I used to sing under the shower. Only the Hubs, the tot and some Ex'es know about this. Unfortunately the talent scout never passed by.
People would be suprised to learn that I've become so thrifty. I thoroughly enjoy coming home after a visit to a store ands sharing my amazing deal or bargaining skills. Then like you I'll blow it all in some silly place
You're so silly! I use free product coupons, but that's about it. I can't stand the evil eye I always get from people behind me in line!
quilt, knit, and scrapbook are not in my vocabulary! You are a domestic diva though!
No freakin' way, I would *not* have taken you for a couponing gal
Glad you confessed to it though.
---You are one talented chick ;)) Pesto. Love it! What do you do w/ it? Pizzas? Dip?
From one domestic goddess to another....you go girl! We are all more complex than any box you could cram us in! :-)
I'm extremely domestic, but many people new to my life in the last five years don't realize what a survivalist I can be. After Hurricane Rita in 2005, I lived in my house for two weeks with no electricity. Alone, because my then-husband was stationed in Iraq. I slept with a shotgun, took cold showers after spending the days cutting trees and clearing debris, and ate bologna sandwiches out of a cooler.
I always look back to that time when things get tough and remember that no matter how bad that day has been, I can at least take a hot shower!
I love that you are multi-dimensional and recognize how awesome that is!
P.S. quit lying about the HOTWHEELS cars. We all know that the cars you buy (at target) are specific to one Disney Pixar Movie and are like $5 each as compared to some generic hotwheels car. I can't ever remember seeing a car at your house that didn't have lenticular eyes. ;)
I have never thought of freezing pesto! I freeze tomato sauce... this year I have more than I'm probably going to use within the next year.
I think that's awesome! I love eating home-grown veggies and fruits. I've never been brave enough to do any canning, and wish I was better at couponing. As for things few people know about me? Er, I love to sing. I used to sing in a choir, and really miss it!
I am very impressed with your domesticity. I've been a little lacking lately. My sewing machine is collecting dust and tonight, I boughtFOUR big bags of shredded cheese.
Poor, I have to enaugh land and time for planting vegetables and fruits
hilarious! I need to use more coupons. I'm impressed with all that you do. I now feel like a total slacker.
I enjoyed this post, and I enjoy pesto, too! That's great that you can make your own. And I envy your having a sewing machine. As for your question, I'm not sure how to answer. How do I know what parts of my personality other people are unaware of?
I have a bunch of tomatoes finally getting ripe now at the end of the season. I need to figure out how to can them so they don't go to waste.
I love this post!!! I didn't know you had such a domestic and "crafty" side. Now I understand what you do with your time when you have your summers off--just kidding. There's never any free time, but I do have to admit that you accomplish quite a bit in between your blogging, gardening, canning, coupon clipping, shopping, and oh yeah, taking care of your toddler son. Whew! Here's to both the rebel and the domestic diva in you!
You are one well rounded chick! That is great that you have started quilting! I guess the side of me that people might not know is that I love outdoor adventures like skydiving, sea kayaking and hiking. Have a great day!
Mama Hen
Im what i call a modern 1950s wife. Equal parts modern and old school lol
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