My son and I were driving home from work/daycare.
"Mommy," he started.
(Now, first, I must explain something. Parker uses the phrase "last year" to explain anything that has happened before, whether it was 5 minutes ago or last night.)
"Last year, I had fog in my throat!"
"A frog?" I asked.
"No, FOG. From Daddy's fart!"
Parker had been taking too long in the bathroom.
"Parker, what are you doing?!" I shouted to check on him.
"I'm touching my poo poo!"
(Of course, I dreaded the mess that could await me on the other side of that bathroom door. I opened the door, looked in, saw no mess, and my boy was standing there with his finger in his butt. Whew. Much easier to deal with. He washed those hands good to a chorus of, "We don't touch poo poo! We don't touch poo poo in our butt. Yucky!" These are the words of wisdom you can get around here.)
"Mommy, do you like to hear my voice in the world?" Parker asked one day while we were in the backyard.
I thought, What a cute kind of question.
I said, "Yes, of course, I love-"
"AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs.
"Oh, okay, I got ya. OK, THAT'S ENOUGH SCREAMING!"
Wasn't so cute anymore.
ha! and a great big EEWW! for the poo touching, in or out of the butt. what is it with kids' fascination with poop? thank goodness they grow out of it.
Aren't kids just a riot? lol
OMG...EWWWWWW! and so funny! And EWWWWW! And also, my daughter uses "yesterday" to describe something that happened anytime in the past. Cracks me up!
Out of the mouths of babes... I love it that his reference to the past is always "last year," and "fog in his throat?" That's a good one!
Oh, he is a character! I love the last one - I thought it was a cute question too, but the screaming, yeah, that would get old real quick. :)
I think this might be my future with my kid.
LOL - love that last one. God, kids are funny!
Children have the greatest take on the universe. :)
My boys are obsessed with farts. It's so gross. LMAO @ "fog"
Those are brilliant - Daddy's fart fog in particular! Would you like to link these up to my Wot So Funee? posts on a Thursday for a new audience? You just have to put a link in to my site if you do. I'm sure my readers would love your funnies. Last week's is here:
but there will be another one on Thursday and every week thereafter :)
Nate is currently WAY to into his poop lately!
I love the motherly words of wisdom! Too funny!
Well we've all tried it...
Ha ha ha! Is this what I have to look forward to when my boy gets older?
Oh my gosh, he must keep you laughing and laughing...even if some of it is AFTER the fact. ;)
Love the last question! I also hate it when they play with their poop; so cruel!
**Mommy, do you like to hear my voice in the world**
A child after my heart. :))
Whew, thank goodness that was just his finger!
I love that question - do you like to hear my voice in the world? so sweet. the poo poo in the butt...not so much!
The fog, that's too funny, it could easily be from my tot. Luckily it seems like we skipped the poo poo phase, or maybe it's still lurking somewhere in the future.
Funny....but really gross. Sigh. I do not look forward to this w monkeyman
So this is what mommyhood is all about?!? Debating now...kids?...no kids? :D
I don't miss those days! HA HA HA!
I do get to hear a lot of best world voices. My two step-daughters wake up talking. It's very loud. Not to mention, if it's not words, then it's just sounds. CONSTANTLY. It's truly amazing!
Mine is only one and just found his pee pee, I am so not looking forward to this!
That is really funny! He sounds like a comedy genius. I love the brilliant things children say!
You have made me nearly wet myself! The twins in my house are going the a phase of fingers up their butt - I am going to start singing your song now! Must be a theme this week, as toilet humour is my funny this week!
Very funny indeed! Daddys fart fog ! heh heh heh - love anything bum related !
Hahaha! Kids: so worth it, for moments like these. :)
Awww that really is a cute question! I swear children bring so much joy to this world, that is when they're not sticking their pingers up their butt :-p
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